Projector Wisdom - Honor Yourself, Your Timing + LET GO

As a Human Design Projector Type, I took a bit of a reprieve to honor myself. I gave myself time to honor what felt fun and freeing. That meant it was time to let go of some marketing I was doing in my business.

By letting go, I created the space for way more clients to come in. I have focused on taking care of my clients, and more importantly, taking care of myself. You can absolutely do the same!

You are Courageous!

You are Courageous!

It takes courage to BE...honest, authentic, expressive, bold, and adaptive. 

Especially when the world is suffering and it feels like it's all spiraling into a dark place.

It takes courage to hold the BE the light! (And you are!)

I love that as I type this, P!nk's song Courage plays on Pandora. I've never heard it before. In it she sings, "Have I the courage to change?"

I love it. It is synchronistic. 

Staying Present Even During Emotional Life Events

I was blessed to be birthed into the world and the emotional waters of Pisces. Have you noticed and felt these emotional energies of Pisces at play right now?

February certainly brought the powers (and vortex) of the 2! From 22222 to 222222, your experiences may not have been as magical as hoped. I know it wasn't for me.

However, I learned SO much and grew SO much because of the toilet bowl energy of these vibrant 2s.

On 22222, I moved through incredible rage I didn't know was in me to come out the other side with more calm, love, and peace galactivated.

The blessing came afterward (of course) when I realized that I wasn't present in the situation. Instead, I let the external world trigger my emotional well-being which sent me into a vortex I had never been swallowed into before. 

The experience reminded me of the gift of BEing in the state of Hara. A state of BEing fully present at all times - not just when I am in healing mode...or working out. 

Cosmic Prosperity Activation is within you!

Cosmic Prosperity Activation is within you!

February brings some incredible galactivations as well. You'll certainly love the power of the TWO/2 energy - all month - and especially on 2/2/2022 and 2/22/2022 ("the day all stars converge" and is filled with so much love energy). Yowza!

Given that the darkness has been releasing its hold on planet Earth, her inhabitants, and humanity's systems, I look forward to this February energy. Changes are happening. Are you ready? Are you doing your part?

Be ready for more necessary upheavals in all of our systems. We need this to happen. We must let ALL of these systems go. They are based completely in darkness, fear, anger, hate, lack, scarcity, power, control, manipulation, greed, and every low vibration you can think of.

These fear-based ways appear to be in control right now. When you tune into your intuition, do you believe this to be true or not? I know the darkness is no longer in control. Their control has lessened because there are many luminarians (my term for humans) who are holding the light, projecting the light, and guiding the darkness to the light. Myself included.

Even when the darkness no longer controls all that is, will it still control you? This is where the work lies for each and every one of us. It is time to release the old negative systematic ways that have controlled you, your thoughts, your behaviors, and your actions.

The Phoenix within YOU says, "RISE UP!"

The Phoenix within YOU says, "RISE UP!"

Many happy blessings to you as you complete another year in the roaring '20s.

Since before the 2020s began, I've had the concept of the Phoenix in my consciousness. Yes, we've seen it in Harry Potter. Or Jean Grey in X-Men.

The Phoenix was also in Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil, a movie which I absolutely LOVE because it tugs on my soul so profoundly my physical body consciously heaves emotions in all directions. I have wanted to share about this movie when the time is right.

I saw this movie around Thanksgiving 2019. At that point, the covidian stage had been set but we didn't consciously know it yet. Already the movie depicted our now reality in a way that viscerally affected me. The illusions at play. The impending war due to the human wants for power.

Spoiler alert: the Phoenix rises from the ashes in an emotionally provocative self-sacrificing way in order to restore order and create peace and prosperity for all.

SIGH. Exactly what we all want for humanity and the world. And we witness it happen in the movie.

Because the Phoenix RISES UP...after being turned to ashes.

THIS is why I am emotionally distraught each time I rewatch this movie. On a soul level, I know this isn't a movie. It portrays where we are and what needs to happen to achieve our end goal of new earth, new consciousness, and prosperity for all. Right now.

We each have to RISE UP. Be reborn from the ashes around us and within us.

Give Forward

Give Forward

Today is Giving Tuesday!

Is there an organization that resonates with you? Did you participate in Giving Forward?

Often we talk about giving back through donations and philanthropy. We all want to make a difference, but does it mean staying stuck in the focus of the past?

Should giving really encompass retribution and old ways of repaying for sins? No. These are old ways that no longer serve us individually and collectively.

Yes, we each want to make a difference, yet we cannot change the past. What we can change is the NOW, which ultimately changes our frequency and our ability to change the future.

Let us choose to give forward.

I recently met with a client to have a conversation about choosing to GIVE FORWARD.

For her in her business, I seeded she is here to bring forth possibilities. She doesn't have to give and be of service like others: playing in the past, the fears, and the stuckness that comes about focusing on those energies. She can support others with seeking bigger visions for what they're here to create and move into action to make it happen.

It is more important than ever to support the world around us to see beyond - to go into the unknown with a sense of trust for what we are creating right now!

Share your gifts

Share your gifts

You've got a gift, are you sharing it?

Five years ago, I would have never guessed that my work would morph into the healing arts. Maybe I had a sense, because I love the exploration of going deep into the roots with clients.

However, I didn't know that would mean playing with light and sound as an art and a gift to help the world align with prosperity.

More and more, I am guided to share these gifts with the realms of people who get them. And especially with the people who don't.

On Thursday, I answered that call. Again.

Last month, I shared sound channeling during the International Human Design conference. I was a little nervous. I'd never done it before.

But that's the gift about FEAR - you've got to feel it and move through it to reach the gift on the other side. Plus, my willpower (defined will center) knew if we were going to do it, we were going to do it! So we did.

When I planned my Thursday BNI networking group presentation, my will and I knew we were to cross the threshold, and share sound channeling.

Yet this time felt a little different. Different because I was delivering to a group of people who already struggle with understanding me and my work. They're corporate people, not Human Design people.

I trusted myself and my path. Thursday morning before the presentation, I awoke with true knowing I was to scrap the slides I had created.

Share your individuality

Share your individuality

This month was a lovely month of exploring - myself and the world around me. I hope you were able to do the same!

I was blessed to take a 12-day road trip in the Prius with just my hubby, Mike. No kids. No animals. Just the two of us traveling through and around seven states.

We saw many friends, old and new. We went to a wedding in New Mexico. We camped in Colorado. I spoke at the International Human Design Conference in Colorado.

I loved my time with my husband. When he and I met nine years ago, I didn't know Human Design. Yet I knew the energies while being together on our trip. They felt familiar.

I ran the charts and realized at the start of our trip, the North and South Nodes were in the 16/9, respectively. I found it pretty exciting to see that nine years earlier, the Nodes were in the reversed position, 9/16.

I knew during our trip the Nodes would shift to activate the Manifesting Generator Channel 20/34 (9/4/21-1/17/22). When I realized the power of those energies are ones my Courage to Thrive program specifically does not dive into (we stop at the Gate 14, Prosperity), the epiphany came that I knew where the Nodes were headed for the next few years. Yup through ALL of the Courage to Thrive gates!