Share your gifts

You've got a gift, are you sharing it?

Five years ago, I would have never guessed that my work would morph into the healing arts. Maybe I had a sense, because I love the exploration of going deep into the roots with clients.

However, I didn't know that would mean playing with light and sound as an art and a gift to help the world align with prosperity.

More and more, I am guided to share these gifts with the realms of people who get them. And especially with the people who don't.

On Thursday, I answered that call. Again.

Last month, I shared sound channeling during the International Human Design conference. I was a little nervous. I'd never done it before.

But that's the gift about FEAR - you've got to feel it and move through it to reach the gift on the other side. Plus, my willpower (defined will center) knew if we were going to do it, we were going to do it! So we did.

When I planned my Thursday BNI networking group presentation, my will and I knew we were to cross the threshold, and share sound channeling.

Yet this time felt a little different. Different because I was delivering to a group of people who already struggle with understanding me and my work. They're corporate people, not Human Design people.

I trusted myself and my path. Thursday morning before the presentation, I awoke with true knowing I was to scrap the slides I had created.

When I walked into the meeting, I was calm. I was ready. When it was time to present, I passed out dollar bills to each person. I walked to the front of the room and stood before the first and only slide, a picture of me skydiving ten years ago. (I now see it as the PERFECT picture to reflect BEing at a higher vibration!)

In seven minutes, I delivered my performance. I connected with the group and taught from my heart. I sound channeled energy to clear the negativity and heaviness about money. We set intentions to install the higher aspects of money and prosperity we want. Then I channeled that energy.

Even without warming my voice prior to starting, the channeling was powerful. One man later said it sounded like the voice of angels.

It's like my voice became the rock dropping into water, creating a ripple of transformation that penetrated each individual, the group, the room, and beyond into the multiverse.

When I sat back down, I was completely calm. There was no regret. My face wasn't red. I felt zero embarrassments. I didn't care if others judged me. I felt purely content for sharing the gift of Source Love-Light.

I was so grounded in my BEing. I later shared a testimonial for a supplement, Protandim NRF2, I am taking from a woman in the group. I shared how my bowel movements were even more regular. Some chuckled, yet I confidently stood without caring what they thought. My face didn't flush. My nerves remained calm.

In sharing my essence from the heart, I owned my gifts. I proudly shared them. I showed what alignment looks like, and what is possible when BEing in that space.

I've realized these gifts won't help anyone if they're locked inside of me. Surprisingly, by sharing them, I unlocked superpowers of calm and love for myself and from within myself.

What superpowers are you holding inside of you?
Are they longing to come out?

Now is the time to release your superpowers. Set them free. When you do, you'll set yourself free.

You'll be recognized for the creative, unique individual that you are. You'll allow others to move towards the same outcome, being set FREE to BE.

May the dominoes fall ever in Humanity's favor...because of YOU!

You are invited to watch the short video below (08:36) I recorded, sharing all about this phenomenal experience.

Go forth, sharing your gifts, and prosper!

I love you for the gifts you currently share. I love you for the gifts you're going to share. I love you for sharing who you are. Thank you.

With love and gratitude,

P.S. You are invited to connect: