
Share your gifts

Share your gifts

You've got a gift, are you sharing it?

Five years ago, I would have never guessed that my work would morph into the healing arts. Maybe I had a sense, because I love the exploration of going deep into the roots with clients.

However, I didn't know that would mean playing with light and sound as an art and a gift to help the world align with prosperity.

More and more, I am guided to share these gifts with the realms of people who get them. And especially with the people who don't.

On Thursday, I answered that call. Again.

Last month, I shared sound channeling during the International Human Design conference. I was a little nervous. I'd never done it before.

But that's the gift about FEAR - you've got to feel it and move through it to reach the gift on the other side. Plus, my willpower (defined will center) knew if we were going to do it, we were going to do it! So we did.

When I planned my Thursday BNI networking group presentation, my will and I knew we were to cross the threshold, and share sound channeling.

Yet this time felt a little different. Different because I was delivering to a group of people who already struggle with understanding me and my work. They're corporate people, not Human Design people.

I trusted myself and my path. Thursday morning before the presentation, I awoke with true knowing I was to scrap the slides I had created.