
Let's Manifest! It's Time! 🌟

Let's Manifest! It's Time! 🌟

What can you create in your personal, professional, and financial life when: 

  • You trust you really can manifest more of what you want?

  • Prosperity blocks no longer get in your way?

  • You allow yourself to BE in the flow of prosperity and receive?

I've said it before and I AM saying it again right now.

YOU are the essence of prosperity.  

Staying Present Even During Emotional Life Events

I was blessed to be birthed into the world and the emotional waters of Pisces. Have you noticed and felt these emotional energies of Pisces at play right now?

February certainly brought the powers (and vortex) of the 2! From 22222 to 222222, your experiences may not have been as magical as hoped. I know it wasn't for me.

However, I learned SO much and grew SO much because of the toilet bowl energy of these vibrant 2s.

On 22222, I moved through incredible rage I didn't know was in me to come out the other side with more calm, love, and peace galactivated.

The blessing came afterward (of course) when I realized that I wasn't present in the situation. Instead, I let the external world trigger my emotional well-being which sent me into a vortex I had never been swallowed into before. 

The experience reminded me of the gift of BEing in the state of Hara. A state of BEing fully present at all times - not just when I am in healing mode...or working out. 

Share your gifts

Share your gifts

You've got a gift, are you sharing it?

Five years ago, I would have never guessed that my work would morph into the healing arts. Maybe I had a sense, because I love the exploration of going deep into the roots with clients.

However, I didn't know that would mean playing with light and sound as an art and a gift to help the world align with prosperity.

More and more, I am guided to share these gifts with the realms of people who get them. And especially with the people who don't.

On Thursday, I answered that call. Again.

Last month, I shared sound channeling during the International Human Design conference. I was a little nervous. I'd never done it before.

But that's the gift about FEAR - you've got to feel it and move through it to reach the gift on the other side. Plus, my willpower (defined will center) knew if we were going to do it, we were going to do it! So we did.

When I planned my Thursday BNI networking group presentation, my will and I knew we were to cross the threshold, and share sound channeling.

Yet this time felt a little different. Different because I was delivering to a group of people who already struggle with understanding me and my work. They're corporate people, not Human Design people.

I trusted myself and my path. Thursday morning before the presentation, I awoke with true knowing I was to scrap the slides I had created.

All the world is a stage

All the world is a stage

"All the world's a stage." - William Shakespeare

Sometimes it is easy to forget who you are and the role you are playing in this life, in your own movie. Are you aligning with who you are and going for what you want?

What stage are you on? What is the title to your movie? What character do you play?

Timelines keep popping up for me - The Tomorrow War (not end of tomorrow as mentioned) on Amazon and Loki on Disney+. Is your movie headed on the timeline you want? If not, you CAN change your own timeline.

All the world is a stage. Look around at the movies playing out around other's lives, in industries, in humanity, in the world. What is going on in the background? What's really playing out in the world?

You are invited to watch this short video (08:39) below.

Manifesting in 2020

Manifesting in 2020

Happy 2020! This is a powerful year to manifest all that you WANT.

I emphasize WANT because it is really easy to be conditioned to focus on what you don't want, to see the lack in what you don't have, and to believe that you cannot have what you want.

Yikes. Can you feel all that negative energy?

It's no wonder we struggle with manifesting!

That is why, starting this year, it is time to change the way in which you manifest! Change your focus, how you feel, and your belief to "I can have it!"

2020, the year of clarity, is giving you the ability to see what you may have missed before. It will give you the keen sight to shift your focus, your obsession, and your ability to make magic happen.

Here's the thing with manifesting: you really are good at it! You create through the energy of who you are.

When you're unsure of who that is, Human Design is the go-to-tool to use. 

It is the visual aid that provides a map and an image that your mind can see as you think about who you are. When you walk into a room filled with people, you can see in your mind who you are! You know how to discern your energy versus those energies of others. 

Your mind, and the energy your mind creates, plays a big role in manifesting. Your brain serves as both the transmitter and receiver of brain

Human Design shows you that you have ALL parts of the chart. Your design depicts how you experience the energies, either consistently or inconsistently. 

The energies of the universe flow to you and through you, creating experiences that assist you in learning, and forming, the habits that you perpetuate.