
Experiencing Your Emotions

Experiencing Your Emotions

Did you know it is okay to feel, connect to, and release your emotions?

Here's the thing, you are human! You are designed to have, feel, and experience the ups and downs of emotions, whether they are consistently yours or not. They help you truly LIVE life, guiding you toward what you want, or not.

Holding in our emotions represses our truth and manifests dis-ease. Let's release and allow clarity to come to you and move through you now!

Staying Present Even During Emotional Life Events

I was blessed to be birthed into the world and the emotional waters of Pisces. Have you noticed and felt these emotional energies of Pisces at play right now?

February certainly brought the powers (and vortex) of the 2! From 22222 to 222222, your experiences may not have been as magical as hoped. I know it wasn't for me.

However, I learned SO much and grew SO much because of the toilet bowl energy of these vibrant 2s.

On 22222, I moved through incredible rage I didn't know was in me to come out the other side with more calm, love, and peace galactivated.

The blessing came afterward (of course) when I realized that I wasn't present in the situation. Instead, I let the external world trigger my emotional well-being which sent me into a vortex I had never been swallowed into before. 

The experience reminded me of the gift of BEing in the state of Hara. A state of BEing fully present at all times - not just when I am in healing mode...or working out. 

Emotional times

Emotional times

Dearest love,

You are a blessing. You are loved. You are a source of inspiration, love, and light. 💗

The video below (15:33) is an emotional share based on who I am and who you are. The world is facing rapid change. You are rapidly evolving. There is much transpiring in the world right now. Your heart may be hurting. You may be feeling big emotions these changes and events. You may be feeling the sadness, the anger, the injustice, the suffering...

The Blessings of Death

The Blessings of Death

I used to be fearful of losing a loved one. What I feared most was my reaction to that loss. Being an emotionally tribal person, relationships are important to me. Sometimes I have taken them for granted. Sometimes I have nurtured them too little. Ultimately, I care very deeply whether that love is expressed verbally, physically, or not. 

I have realized that my undefined Spleen holds on to things, including relationships, for longer than I should. I didn’t know how to say goodbye because I didn’t know how to let go while seeing the good in it. 

Until now. 

When my cat Venice died two years ago, I broke down. It took me a while to process her death and recover so that I could continue to live. [You can read the blog from that time HERE.] 

Because I didn’t handle it so well, I had been afraid of facing more death. I feared I wouldn’t know how to live.