The Energy Medicine Solution is HERE!

The Energy Medicine Solution is HERE!

The Energy Medicine Solution is available to help you, your friends and family, and the rest of humanity to get out of pain using safe, effective tools and techniques shared by 25 authors.

You're invited to grab The Energy Medicine Solution paperback or the Kindle version for $1.99 (price good for next 2 weeks)!

It's already #1 in at least 11 categories! Woot woot!!

I wrote Chapter 18, Quiet the Mind - The Force is With You! I share polarizing stories of how BEing in my head forced me to BE more fully present in the state of Hara so I could later handle a scary situation with my son.

I teach you the Hara technique to support you with BEing present, centered, grounded, and in the NOW moment all of the time. When you are fully in the now, stress can no longer reside there with you.

That’s a game-changer!

Intuitively Create Prosperity

Intuitively Create Prosperity

You're invited to Intuitively Create Prosperity and what you're manifesting to come in. 

Last month, we let go to create space. If you missed that session, you're invited to grab it HERE.

When it comes to manifesting, it is space that allows you to receive what you desire. And now is the time to be clear on what you’re ready to receive! Your role isn't to know how prosperity will show up. You are simply meant to trust and be open to what shows up when it shows up!

Mars Retrograde Through the Lens of Human Design

Mars Retrograde Through the Lens of Human Design

Mars retrograde begins October 30, 2022 - have you already been feeling the need to change up the way in which you work in the world? At your job? In your business?

Now is the time to allow Mars to support you by sitting in the feminine energy of pause, contemplation, and trust. For the next 2.5 months, notice, feel, and think about what changes you're ready to implement according to your Human Design. Let the gift of polarity guide you toward the direction you're meant to go in. If you no longer love your work, what needs to change? Are there parts you still enjoy? Are there things to let go of? New services you'd like to add?

Take it slow. Go easy on yourself. Let go of the need to push right now. Get clear on how you're here to participate in the change taking place on the planet. Honor your design, your energy, and your purpose. You've got this! I'm excited to hear what you create!

Change is Here and How the Human Design Fear Gates Impact You Every Fall

Have you noticed a change? Inside of you? Outside of you on the planet? It's getting louder and moving faster everywhere.

Change is powerful for evolution to occur. You are evolving. Humanity is evolving. Our systems are evolving. Mother Earth is evolving!

What gets in the way of your ability to change is FEAR. What stops evolution is always doing the same left-brain logical steps we've always done. We fear the change!

The time is now to embrace COURAGE. The courage to change. The courage to be in the right brain where you pause, trust, surrender, be creative, and receive.

Experiencing Your Emotions

Experiencing Your Emotions

Did you know it is okay to feel, connect to, and release your emotions?

Here's the thing, you are human! You are designed to have, feel, and experience the ups and downs of emotions, whether they are consistently yours or not. They help you truly LIVE life, guiding you toward what you want, or not.

Holding in our emotions represses our truth and manifests dis-ease. Let's release and allow clarity to come to you and move through you now!

Trust Your Intuition

Trust Your Intuition

Have you been listening to the depths of your soul? O are external noises and distractions getting in the way?

Below is an amazing opportunity for you to connect more deeply to your intuition and knowing. It is more important than ever to:

  • Know who you are

  • Trust yourself

  • Allow yourself to BE Sourced, ReSourced, and ReSourceful through your higher connection to Source (God, Universe, Almighty)!

Let's Manifest! It's Time! 🌟

Let's Manifest! It's Time! 🌟

What can you create in your personal, professional, and financial life when: 

  • You trust you really can manifest more of what you want?

  • Prosperity blocks no longer get in your way?

  • You allow yourself to BE in the flow of prosperity and receive?

I've said it before and I AM saying it again right now.

YOU are the essence of prosperity.