The Energy Medicine Solution

The Energy Medicine Solution is HERE!

The Energy Medicine Solution is HERE!

The Energy Medicine Solution is available to help you, your friends and family, and the rest of humanity to get out of pain using safe, effective tools and techniques shared by 25 authors.

You're invited to grab The Energy Medicine Solution paperback or the Kindle version for $1.99 (price good for next 2 weeks)!

It's already #1 in at least 11 categories! Woot woot!!

I wrote Chapter 18, Quiet the Mind - The Force is With You! I share polarizing stories of how BEing in my head forced me to BE more fully present in the state of Hara so I could later handle a scary situation with my son.

I teach you the Hara technique to support you with BEing present, centered, grounded, and in the NOW moment all of the time. When you are fully in the now, stress can no longer reside there with you.

That’s a game-changer!