Manifesting in 2020

Happy 2020! This is a powerful year to manifest all that you WANT.

I emphasize WANT because it is really easy to be conditioned to focus on what you don't want, to see the lack in what you don't have, and to believe that you cannot have what you want.

Yikes. Can you feel all that negative energy?

It's no wonder we struggle with manifesting!

That is why, starting this year, it is time to change the way in which you manifest! Change your focus, how you feel, and your belief to "Yes, I can have it!"

2020, the year of clarity, is giving you the ability to see what you may have missed before. It will give you the keen sight to shift your focus, your obsession, and your ability to make magic happen.

Here's the thing with manifesting: you really are good at it! You create through the energy of who you are.

When you're unsure of who that is, Human Design is the go-to-tool to use. 

It is the visual aid that provides a map and an image that your mind can see as you think about who you are. When you walk into a room filled with people, you can see in your mind who you are! You know how to discern your energy versus those energies of others. 

Your mind, and the energy your mind creates, plays a big role in manifesting. Your brain serves as both the transmitter and receiver of brain

Human Design shows you that you have ALL parts of the chart. Your design depicts how you experience the energies, either consistently or inconsistently. 

The energies of the universe flow to you and through you, creating experiences that assist you in learning, and forming, the habits that you perpetuate.

Speaking of habits, are there any you are ready to change? Would you like to live according to your Strategy? Would you like to build the habit of saving?

The good news is that you CAN when you THINK you can. Remember last month when I talked all about change? 

I said, "You are changing. You are growing. You are learning. You are evolving. Always. Every moment of your life."

This means that of course you can create a new habit. You are designed for this!

Your manifesting abilities are becoming swift and keen. Now is the time to get clear on the goal you have a burning desire to create. What is that goal for you?

Maybe you're wondering what it will take to manifest your goal. Let's take a look at the steps necessary to get you there.

Manifesting Your Goal:

  1. Define specifically (or even generally) what you WANT...your chief aim...your goal. Make sure this goal stretches you. You've created this goal from beyond what you know and think you can achieve. To be a true goal, this must be something you have never accomplished before.

  2. Create a burning desire for your goal. Become obsessive about your goal. Think, dream, sleep, speak, and see your goal all day, every day, as often as possible. This increases the intensity and power of the magnetic attraction. 

  3. Focus on feeling good. This keeps your vibration high which allows MORE good to come to you. Like attracts like. Higher frequencies of energy allow you to see new possibilities you may have missed seeing before. Feel excited!

  4. Believe 100% that you can have this goal. Feel good when you think of your goal. Smile and see yourself achieving your goal. If there is any part of you that doubts the successful attainment of this goal, find a goal you do believe in 100% - no matter what the external world tells you.

  5. Let go of the HOW and the timing. Your focus is on creating your goal in your mind and energy field. Allow the universe to bring the right timing, the right people, the right tools, the right opportunities...the right everything!

  6. Follow your Strategy and Authority. When the universe provides the HOW, it's up to your gut instinct and emotions to guide you to determine if it feels right for you to take action. All is well when you feel the alignment of your vision with the excitement in your body. Stay out of your head.

    You've got this! You are gifted at manifesting, whether you believe it or not, and whatever your energy Type may be.

     In the video below (18:01), I share more about manifesting in 2020, how the universe is here to conspire in your favor, and how Human Design aspects come into play.

    You're invited to watch and learn more below.

Now that you have learned a little bit more about how you can manifest in this magical 2020 year, here is an exercise for you to complete and repeat over and over so you can maintain focus and achieve what you want:

What is your chief aim for 2020? What is it that you really, really want? Do you believe you can have it 100%? Are you obsessed with achieving this goal? Do you envision it over and over in your mind? While seeing it in your mind, are you also infusing emotions that catapult you into feeling as if you already have it? Can you really feel, taste, smell, see, hear, and touch your goal? Does your mind see it as reality? Does achieving your goal make you feel really good? Does the thought of your goal bring a smile to your face? Keep your focus on the goal. Leave out the HOW. That is the universe’s job. Your job is to create the goal, obsess over it while feeling good, and keep your belief high. Do you doubt you can have it? Stay out of the how - that brings in confusion, doubt, and fear. Feeling good also keeps those lower vibrations at bay. When you want something and you maintain a high vibration, you will be presented with opportunities in the form of the HOW. Follow your Human Design Strategy and Authority. Allow your gut instinct and emotions to be the guide that tells you when everything is aligned…and then GO FOR IT! Make your goal your reality.  You can have it!

What is it that you really want? You’re invited to share below.

Wishing you a prosperous 2020! May you achieve your goal and more!

With love + gratitude,

P.S. Are you wondering how manifesting can become easier for you? You are invited to request your Human Design chart at

P.P.S. If you recognize you need more support with this manifesting process, let’s connect! You’re invited to schedule a free Prosperity Breakthrough session at