Is it fear season or courage season?

Is it fear season or courage season?

Well, the choice really is yours.

Let me ask again. For you, is it fear season or courage season?

Your answer lies in your perspective. Do you live by fear? Or by courage?

Most of our current outdated systems are fear-based - business and sales, education, financial, medical, etc. This is why it's time for many of these systems to be uprooted, and completely revamped and rebooted.

It recently came to my awareness that the courage of the Love-Light we see, feel, and hear speaks in positive terms such as "Thou shall." When terms such as "Thou shall not" are used, darkness has infiltrated our senses, filling us with a focus on fear.

With the Sun currently activating the Gate 40, Divine Will, it is time to allow yourself to rest so you may proclaim your divinity and express your brilliance from within.

What Divine Will is calling to you? Is there a gift wanting to come forth and be expressed at this time?

All the world is a stage

All the world is a stage

"All the world's a stage." - William Shakespeare

Sometimes it is easy to forget who you are and the role you are playing in this life, in your own movie. Are you aligning with who you are and going for what you want?

What stage are you on? What is the title to your movie? What character do you play?

Timelines keep popping up for me - The Tomorrow War (not end of tomorrow as mentioned) on Amazon and Loki on Disney+. Is your movie headed on the timeline you want? If not, you CAN change your own timeline.

All the world is a stage. Look around at the movies playing out around other's lives, in industries, in humanity, in the world. What is going on in the background? What's really playing out in the world?

You are invited to watch this short video (08:39) below.

The power of quitting through experimentation

The power of quitting through experimentation

Luckily, the second part of the Experimentation + Human Design video was recorded before this month's Mercury's retrograde journey. I say luckily, because I really was guided to stay OFF of technology during this solstice month.

I sure hope you had a blessed journey with technology, communication, and transportation through Mercury's short retrograde cycle.

For me, it was about accepting that my iphone wouldn't connect to its cellular function. That meant off/on phone connectivity issues for a solid week. It meant that when I went camping for a long weekend with the family, I was truly off the grid. No one could call me, text me, email me, social media me, or reach me! So my phone stayed in airplane mode and got a surge of its own well needed rejuvenation.

It was freeing to have my technology quit me. It was freeing to experiment with quitting my technology. We quit each other, and it was lovely. I reconnected more deeply with nature - being in the sun, hanging with my family at the lake and by the fire!

Adapting through experimentation

Adapting through experimentation

You are fiercely adaptive. You came here to share who you are through evolving from where you once were, to where you are now.

Every day has been a journey of constant adaptation and experimentation. You grow and change and shift because that is who you are.

Stagnation is simply the lack of movement and growth. That has never been you!

You grow because of the experiences you have and the experiments you choose. It's all part of the process!

When it comes to finances, we want to grow, but it feels so scary to experiment in that space. Maybe you've said the following: "What if I make a mistake? What if I lose it all? What if my poor choices affect more than just me? How will I live with myself?"

That my friend is scarcity based thinking.

What is healthy competition?

What is healthy competition?

The way of the world has been to live competitively. If I win, you lose.

If you aren't competing, then you have already given up and let someone else win.

When it comes to finances, that same scarcity based thinking comes into play. If you're earning it, someone else must not be. The harvest I reap, you cannot sow.

Are these concepts what we want to allow into our consciousness?

Or is it time to scrap the scare-city tactics and proclaim more abundance?

Because what if we can create more and have more - me, you, and all of humanity?

What if what I receive also means there is enough for you AND others?

Times are accelerating. Change is occurring more rapidly for all of us every day. How do you choose to see your growth? Are you competing against others? Or against yourself?

The gift is to BE better and do better - which is an inside competitive game. It's not about competing against the external world, even though that's what we are taught to do.

Wealth Consciousness

Wealth consciousness is a big part of what I am here to support humanity with evolving.

So what is wealth consciousness? Where is your wealth consciousness?

Do you think in terms of poverty, middle class, or wealthy/elite consciousness?

Not sure what the differences are?

To support you with innerstanding what wealth consciousness is, you are invited to watch a three-part video series:

  • What is Wealth Consciousness? HERE (6:22)

  • Cryptocurrency, Fear, + Wealth Consciousness HERE (7:34)

  • Safety + Security - Are you protected? HERE (10:17)

When it comes to taking action on growing your actual wealth or your wealth consciousness, both require making a choice.

Will you go for it? I hope you do. 🌟

With love + gratitude,

Your Path to Prosperity

Your Path to Prosperity

When you align who you are with what you want, you allow yourself to receive more prosperity in your own natural flow.

This is how I see it anyway. This is why my BEing has led to this aspect of DOing in my work.

There is a natural path to prosperity. Your path is different than my path and the path of every other human on the planet.

Yet we are constantly bombarded with the notion that we should all do things the same, and be on the same path. So we change who we are to fit the "path". Then we wonder why someone else is "successful" and we are not.

Prosperity is within you

With the start of 2021 and the Human Design New Year (on 1/21) now behind us, it is a beautiful moment to remember that you are right where you are meant to be.

Perhaps you have new endeavors for this year, personally, professionally, and financially. Please remember you are here to do them at your own pace, in your own way. Prosperity is within you.

You are designed to be the unique you only you can BE. It can be easy to slip back into old habits where you think you should do it the way someone else tells you, the way someone else models it, or the way you think you should to fit in.

You are invited to scrap those old habits.

Love AND Light - the power between

As we end 2020 and move forth into 2021, we do so with the choice to receive the power of AND. To give AND receive. To ask for what you want AND more. To be AND do. To be in balance with the feminine AND the masculine. To support AND be supported. To love AND be loved.

You are invited to watch this video below (18:48) all about choosing to collapse the polarity potential into AND, so you can create AND have what you want AND more. You can have it all!

With love + gratitude,
Alana banana

Playing in Mt. Shasta + Energies to Support Our Oneness

Playing in Mt. Shasta + Energies to Support Our Oneness

Happy last day of December. May your ending to 2020 be blessed and filled with love AND light. ️

As we reflect on 2020 and what was, we often determine what now is and what is to be.

Past, present, and future all here for you right here, right now.

For every soul on this planet and beyond, light radiates within and without. In different ways AND more powerfully than ever before.