
The Phoenix within YOU says, "RISE UP!"

The Phoenix within YOU says, "RISE UP!"

Many happy blessings to you as you complete another year in the roaring '20s.

Since before the 2020s began, I've had the concept of the Phoenix in my consciousness. Yes, we've seen it in Harry Potter. Or Jean Grey in X-Men.

The Phoenix was also in Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil, a movie which I absolutely LOVE because it tugs on my soul so profoundly my physical body consciously heaves emotions in all directions. I have wanted to share about this movie when the time is right.

I saw this movie around Thanksgiving 2019. At that point, the covidian stage had been set but we didn't consciously know it yet. Already the movie depicted our now reality in a way that viscerally affected me. The illusions at play. The impending war due to the human wants for power.

Spoiler alert: the Phoenix rises from the ashes in an emotionally provocative self-sacrificing way in order to restore order and create peace and prosperity for all.

SIGH. Exactly what we all want for humanity and the world. And we witness it happen in the movie.

Because the Phoenix RISES UP...after being turned to ashes.

THIS is why I am emotionally distraught each time I rewatch this movie. On a soul level, I know this isn't a movie. It portrays where we are and what needs to happen to achieve our end goal of new earth, new consciousness, and prosperity for all. Right now.

We each have to RISE UP. Be reborn from the ashes around us and within us.