Lessons in Letting Go: 2017 Reflections

Lessons in Letting Go: 2017 Reflections

2017 was a bit of a roller coaster ride for me. 

I was fortunate and blessed. My home still stands. Fires and floods happened outside of my area. I lost my cat Venice, but all other loved ones were safe and well.

I am grateful for the ups and downs of the ride. They taught me SO much. 

I had to let go of a lot of old beliefs, old thoughts, old emotional triggers, and even old friends. I gave away old items I still felt attached to so that I could create more healing space for myself.

Healing was paramount. It guided me to understand ME. It allowed me to see where to place my focus in my business. It gave me clarity about the struggles I was facing and what I am now here to overcome. 

I realized that I GET to rewrite the stories of my past. I GET to see where I was limiting myself and holding myself back from achieving BIG dreams.