Stretching Yourself

I sure hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving (if you are celebrating in the US). Did you stretch yourself this holiday?

Not just your clothes...and your stomach from big eating...

Perhaps you endured challenges, such as family, cooking, or travel that stretched you in a new way. 

Having my husband out of town this week has stretched me into my discomfort zone multiple times. It's been filled with ups and downs.

Yet I continue to push into the unknown, learning to find peace and calm as my twins provoke me to grow through dealing with their mischievous behaviors.

Yes I have room to grow. I believe there can be a better way to work together, yet my kids insist on pushing back, saying "no", and choosing not to listen because they don't want to. So yes, I have yelled and broken down emotionally. Sigh.

I have taken on new tasks that are just not my thing. Like waking up early each morning to let the chickens out and get the kids up. I love to sleep in!

I have cooked breakfast and dinner...even Thanksgiving dinner! That may not seem like a big deal, but I don't cook, ever. I'm not really allowed in the kitchen.

Instead of going somewhere else, I decided to have my first Thanksgiving at home, as the host and chef. I only had a couple of guests, and yes, I did ensure success by ordering most of the food. :)

All in all, I am really proud of myself for stretching into the unknown. Each new opportunity has allowed me to grow where I didn't realize I could.

Each time I proved to myself that I CAN! I even got the three kids up this morning so I could attend my live BODYpow workout class by 7:45 am.

Yup. I've certainly grown. Is this something I want to persistently achieve? Not likely.

Are there things I've never attempted that I can also achieve? Absolutely!

And so can you!

What are the things you recently stepped into doing for the first time? Did you succeed?

More importantly, did you learn that you are capable of SO much more than you realized?

I am grateful for these growth opportunities.
I am grateful for being able to stretch into receiving more abundance.
I am grateful you are on your way to doing the same!

The truth is anything is possible! Thank you for BEing you and stretching yourself to achieve the impossible! 

With love and gratitude,
Alana banana