The Polarity of Security and Freedom

Most clients and prospects with whom I speak want both financial security and financial freedom. However, how possible is it to achieve both? 

When I look back at what I learned from both of my parents, I realize that my dad wanted security, and my mom wanted freedom. I also see just how polarizing those concepts are. Often, we want both security and freedom, but can't really have the same time. It's like the more security we want, the less freedom we actually have.

With the changes going on in the world right now, and with more on the way, standing up for our freedoms is more important than ever. Yet our sense of security triggers our survival instincts, and that’s pretty important too.

This begs the question, can we truly have both?

Now that I see this dichotomy, I also see how it's popped up throughout my life. Did I want the security of staying in a marriage, or the freedom that came through divorce? (Hint: freedom won.) Did I want paycheck security from a job, or the freedom to earn from my own business? (Hint: freedom won again!)

My experiences led me to seek both directions. Not as a way to see which parent was right or wrong, but to see who I am and how I can create both security and freedom for myself. When I sought freedom and claimed it, on a new level, I also discovered how to be and feel secure within myself.

Security comes from within! Freedom comes from within! Part of my purpose is to find the unity between the two and to teach others they can do the same. My parents had it partially right - they were just seeking from outside of themselves instead of from within.

As the earth morphs into a new dimension, polarity will disappear, allowing all of us to create a Sourced heart connection where security and freedom unifies so we CAN have both!

You can watch the video (14:00) below to learn more about this dynamic called polarity.  You can also find me hanging out in our garden talking more about the gifts nature and Mother Earth bring us, as she too makes her ascension into the newly Sourced grid.

When you look back over your childhood and lifetime, what polarizing concepts have you faced over and over? How might uniting those concepts be a part of your life purpose?

You have the power to BE you, to trust your intuition, and bring about true change in the world. Many blessings to you! 💜

With love + gratitude,
Alana from Atlantis

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