Human Design

Mars Retrograde Through the Lens of Human Design

Mars Retrograde Through the Lens of Human Design

Mars retrograde begins October 30, 2022 - have you already been feeling the need to change up the way in which you work in the world? At your job? In your business?

Now is the time to allow Mars to support you by sitting in the feminine energy of pause, contemplation, and trust. For the next 2.5 months, notice, feel, and think about what changes you're ready to implement according to your Human Design. Let the gift of polarity guide you toward the direction you're meant to go in. If you no longer love your work, what needs to change? Are there parts you still enjoy? Are there things to let go of? New services you'd like to add?

Take it slow. Go easy on yourself. Let go of the need to push right now. Get clear on how you're here to participate in the change taking place on the planet. Honor your design, your energy, and your purpose. You've got this! I'm excited to hear what you create!

Change is Here and How the Human Design Fear Gates Impact You Every Fall

Have you noticed a change? Inside of you? Outside of you on the planet? It's getting louder and moving faster everywhere.

Change is powerful for evolution to occur. You are evolving. Humanity is evolving. Our systems are evolving. Mother Earth is evolving!

What gets in the way of your ability to change is FEAR. What stops evolution is always doing the same left-brain logical steps we've always done. We fear the change!

The time is now to embrace COURAGE. The courage to change. The courage to be in the right brain where you pause, trust, surrender, be creative, and receive.

Projector Wisdom - Honor Yourself, Your Timing + LET GO

As a Human Design Projector Type, I took a bit of a reprieve to honor myself. I gave myself time to honor what felt fun and freeing. That meant it was time to let go of some marketing I was doing in my business.

By letting go, I created the space for way more clients to come in. I have focused on taking care of my clients, and more importantly, taking care of myself. You can absolutely do the same!

You are Courageous!

You are Courageous!

It takes courage to BE...honest, authentic, expressive, bold, and adaptive. 

Especially when the world is suffering and it feels like it's all spiraling into a dark place.

It takes courage to hold the BE the light! (And you are!)

I love that as I type this, P!nk's song Courage plays on Pandora. I've never heard it before. In it she sings, "Have I the courage to change?"

I love it. It is synchronistic. 

Share your individuality

Share your individuality

This month was a lovely month of exploring - myself and the world around me. I hope you were able to do the same!

I was blessed to take a 12-day road trip in the Prius with just my hubby, Mike. No kids. No animals. Just the two of us traveling through and around seven states.

We saw many friends, old and new. We went to a wedding in New Mexico. We camped in Colorado. I spoke at the International Human Design Conference in Colorado.

I loved my time with my husband. When he and I met nine years ago, I didn't know Human Design. Yet I knew the energies while being together on our trip. They felt familiar.

I ran the charts and realized at the start of our trip, the North and South Nodes were in the 16/9, respectively. I found it pretty exciting to see that nine years earlier, the Nodes were in the reversed position, 9/16.

I knew during our trip the Nodes would shift to activate the Manifesting Generator Channel 20/34 (9/4/21-1/17/22). When I realized the power of those energies are ones my Courage to Thrive program specifically does not dive into (we stop at the Gate 14, Prosperity), the epiphany came that I knew where the Nodes were headed for the next few years. Yup through ALL of the Courage to Thrive gates!

Is it fear season or courage season?

Is it fear season or courage season?

Well, the choice really is yours.

Let me ask again. For you, is it fear season or courage season?

Your answer lies in your perspective. Do you live by fear? Or by courage?

Most of our current outdated systems are fear-based - business and sales, education, financial, medical, etc. This is why it's time for many of these systems to be uprooted, and completely revamped and rebooted.

It recently came to my awareness that the courage of the Love-Light we see, feel, and hear speaks in positive terms such as "Thou shall." When terms such as "Thou shall not" are used, darkness has infiltrated our senses, filling us with a focus on fear.

With the Sun currently activating the Gate 40, Divine Will, it is time to allow yourself to rest so you may proclaim your divinity and express your brilliance from within.

What Divine Will is calling to you? Is there a gift wanting to come forth and be expressed at this time?

The power of quitting through experimentation

The power of quitting through experimentation

Luckily, the second part of the Experimentation + Human Design video was recorded before this month's Mercury's retrograde journey. I say luckily, because I really was guided to stay OFF of technology during this solstice month.

I sure hope you had a blessed journey with technology, communication, and transportation through Mercury's short retrograde cycle.

For me, it was about accepting that my iphone wouldn't connect to its cellular function. That meant off/on phone connectivity issues for a solid week. It meant that when I went camping for a long weekend with the family, I was truly off the grid. No one could call me, text me, email me, social media me, or reach me! So my phone stayed in airplane mode and got a surge of its own well needed rejuvenation.

It was freeing to have my technology quit me. It was freeing to experiment with quitting my technology. We quit each other, and it was lovely. I reconnected more deeply with nature - being in the sun, hanging with my family at the lake and by the fire!

Adapting through experimentation

Adapting through experimentation

You are fiercely adaptive. You came here to share who you are through evolving from where you once were, to where you are now.

Every day has been a journey of constant adaptation and experimentation. You grow and change and shift because that is who you are.

Stagnation is simply the lack of movement and growth. That has never been you!

You grow because of the experiences you have and the experiments you choose. It's all part of the process!

When it comes to finances, we want to grow, but it feels so scary to experiment in that space. Maybe you've said the following: "What if I make a mistake? What if I lose it all? What if my poor choices affect more than just me? How will I live with myself?"

That my friend is scarcity based thinking.

Emotional times

Emotional times

Dearest love,

You are a blessing. You are loved. You are a source of inspiration, love, and light. 💗

The video below (15:33) is an emotional share based on who I am and who you are. The world is facing rapid change. You are rapidly evolving. There is much transpiring in the world right now. Your heart may be hurting. You may be feeling big emotions these changes and events. You may be feeling the sadness, the anger, the injustice, the suffering...