
Mars Retrograde Through the Lens of Human Design

Mars Retrograde Through the Lens of Human Design

Mars retrograde begins October 30, 2022 - have you already been feeling the need to change up the way in which you work in the world? At your job? In your business?

Now is the time to allow Mars to support you by sitting in the feminine energy of pause, contemplation, and trust. For the next 2.5 months, notice, feel, and think about what changes you're ready to implement according to your Human Design. Let the gift of polarity guide you toward the direction you're meant to go in. If you no longer love your work, what needs to change? Are there parts you still enjoy? Are there things to let go of? New services you'd like to add?

Take it slow. Go easy on yourself. Let go of the need to push right now. Get clear on how you're here to participate in the change taking place on the planet. Honor your design, your energy, and your purpose. You've got this! I'm excited to hear what you create!

Emotional times

Emotional times

Dearest love,

You are a blessing. You are loved. You are a source of inspiration, love, and light. 💗

The video below (15:33) is an emotional share based on who I am and who you are. The world is facing rapid change. You are rapidly evolving. There is much transpiring in the world right now. Your heart may be hurting. You may be feeling big emotions these changes and events. You may be feeling the sadness, the anger, the injustice, the suffering...

Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year 2020!

Today is a great day to reflect on 2019 and notice: what worked or not, whether you created what you desired or not, and if you found purpose and fulfillment or not.

Remember that the Human Design New Year begins on January 22, 2020 (at 6:04 am PST). This means that between now and then, you have plenty of time to honor the energies at play: the Gate 38 (Opposition), Gate 54 (Ambition), Gate 61 (Inner Truth), and Gate 60 (Limitation).

Stretching Yourself

I sure hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving (if you are celebrating in the US). Did you stretch yourself this holiday?

Not just your clothes...and your stomach from big eating...

Perhaps you endured challenges, such as family, cooking, or travel that stretched you in a new way.

Having my husband out of town this week has stretched me into my discomfort zone multiple times. It's been filled with ups and downs.

Yet I continue to push into the unknown, learning to find peace and calm as my twins provoke me to grow through dealing with their mischievous behaviors.

Yes I have room to grow. I believe there can be a better way to work together, yet my kids insist on pushing back, saying "no", and choosing not to listen because they don't want to. So yes, I have yelled and broken down emotionally. Sigh.

I have taken on new tasks that are just not my thing. Like waking up early each morning to let the chickens out and get the kids up. I love to sleep in!

I have cooked breakfast and dinner...even Thanksgiving dinner! That may not seem like a big deal, but I don't cook, ever. I'm not really allowed in the kitchen.

The Journey to Forgiveness

The Journey to Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not easy.

Oh how I know. I’ve spent the last year contemplating this very concept.

I’ve endured pain, anger, and…healing.

I’ve helped myself to heal and grow, as well as my daughter, Tayla, and my husband, Mike.

It has not been an easy journey.

Yet here I am…stronger, more resilient, and a better human for it all.

You are invited to watch and listen to my story of learning to forgive and have compassion for a close person who truly harmed, and split my family into two.

In this video (21:18), you will learn about one of the hardest situations me and my family recently went through, and how embracing forgiveness and compassion has been a big part of our healing process. My hope is that you too can begin to forgive yourself and have compassion and love for yourself, and others.

The Art of Creating YOU

The Art of Creating YOU

There is an art to you. There is an art to how you were created. There is an art to how you are still creating you…right now.

Yes, the universe played a creative role in aligning the energies to design the physical experience your soul essence is having…right now.

If it feels as if you have no choice in the matter, I want you to know that you did…and you still DO have a choice…right now.

You always get to choose the role you play in this life and how you engage with the energies.

Just because your unique Human Design may say you’re supposed to be a certain way, doesn’t mean you have to be. Because you have free will, you have a choice.

You choose the frequency of the energy you radiate out. There are higher expressions and there are lower expressions. Every day of your life, you get to choose which ones you will wear, share, and BE.

You get to choose whether you live in fear, or live with trust that you are supported. You determine if negative vibrations are a part of your source field, or if positive energies are.

You get to choose to learn from the contrast in your life to guide you to where you want to go and who you want to be.

Facing Rejection

Facing rejection is something we tend to fear. We would rather deal with the “what ifs” rather than the actual rejection. However, our fear is often just in our heads. Most of the time, the rejection may never even happen! But when it does, how do you prepare yourself? What if there isn’t enough time to prepare? How resilient are you in the face of rejection? And are you able to learn from it?

The Blessings of Death

The Blessings of Death

I used to be fearful of losing a loved one. What I feared most was my reaction to that loss. Being an emotionally tribal person, relationships are important to me. Sometimes I have taken them for granted. Sometimes I have nurtured them too little. Ultimately, I care very deeply whether that love is expressed verbally, physically, or not. 

I have realized that my undefined Spleen holds on to things, including relationships, for longer than I should. I didn’t know how to say goodbye because I didn’t know how to let go while seeing the good in it. 

Until now. 

When my cat Venice died two years ago, I broke down. It took me a while to process her death and recover so that I could continue to live. [You can read the blog from that time HERE.] 

Because I didn’t handle it so well, I had been afraid of facing more death. I feared I wouldn’t know how to live.