
Change is Here and How the Human Design Fear Gates Impact You Every Fall

Have you noticed a change? Inside of you? Outside of you on the planet? It's getting louder and moving faster everywhere.

Change is powerful for evolution to occur. You are evolving. Humanity is evolving. Our systems are evolving. Mother Earth is evolving!

What gets in the way of your ability to change is FEAR. What stops evolution is always doing the same left-brain logical steps we've always done. We fear the change!

The time is now to embrace COURAGE. The courage to change. The courage to be in the right brain where you pause, trust, surrender, be creative, and receive.

Gate 18 - Let go of the fear of imperfection and step into the power of improving

Gate 18 - Let go of the fear of imperfection and step into the power of improving

In Human Design, there are fear gates coming off the Spleen Center. For the next couple of days, Mercury and Venus are activating the gate 18. In the lower, expression the gate 18 is the fear of imperfection. In the higher expression, this gate is all about improving or correcting. There is room for improvement in our systems, and this energy sees that and wants to make an impactful difference.

Watch this short video (16:33) to learn more.

Fear gives you the opportunity to learn and step more fully into trusting. It's time to learn to trust - yourself, each other, humanity, the universe! The more you trust, the more you let go of fear and the old powers it held over you.

You are invited to join the What's Fear Got to Do With It? Sun Activation program beginning October 1.

The Controlling Truth About Fear

The Controlling Truth About Fear

Fear was once an important piece of the human puzzle. It gave humans the instinct to run, hide, and survive.

But is fear really that important anymore?

You’re encouraged to explore this answer more deeply.

For some of you, fear is all you know. It was around you as a child. Your mom was afraid something would happen to you. Your dad was afraid he couldn’t support the family. Your teachers were afraid of going against the curriculum. Your friends were afraid you wouldn’t like them. Everything breathed in fear, and breathed out even more fear. 

The doctor office you visited had lingering fear balls of tension - from parents worried about their children and how to pay the doctor, to doctors fearing they weren’t charging enough or spending enough quality time with their patients.

Billboards, newspapers, television commercials, and all other advertising mediums boasted fear-based tactics. They used fear to advertise why you had to have something NOW or else face the nasty consequence of what would happen if you did NOT purchase that product. Government agencies focused on the fear around controlling outbreaks, paying your taxes, and protecting the borders.

Unfortunately, these same tactics are heavily present in the modern world. All of those tactics of yesterday…are still used today.

Everywhere you look, there is fear. Lurking. Waiting to attack you. Or attack through you.

So is fear really important?