What if you could align who you are with what you want and have it show up (no matter what is going on outside of you)?

What is possible when you choose to courageously create prosperity?

Learn how to connect who you are with what you want in this
live 9-week program.

The investment for the program is $333 and starts March 22.
(Recordings are available.)

Please tell me all that is included in the program ——>

Building Resilience for Entrepreneurs

The Courage to Thrive - Earth Activation program consists of live coaching support over nine weeks during the activations of the seven courage gates. Each week addresses a specific courage gate during the time of its live activation. That is why the program runs virtually live March 22 - May 17, 2021. We meet for four live calls, so you get exactly what you need during each energy activation.

In this program, we focus on innerstanding the seven courage gates and tying them to creating more prosperity. We also focus on taking back your power, BEing courageous, and getting support with where you are in your life right now. Now is the time you feel good in your courageous self. It is time to embrace trust, love, and higher consciousness so you can manifest more of what you want, rather than what you may fear you can’t or don’t have. And what better time than NOW to receive live guidance and coaching support while experiencing the courage/fear energies.


What Past Participants Said About the Program

“It’s a nice perspective to hear how Alana translates Human Design. I like her way of doing that and her approach to share Human Design and the energies and how she puts it altogether. It’s been safe for me in this group.”
— Monica S.
“So much amazing stuff for me in class especially since I have the 54-32 channel. All your explanations and insights on that were so awesome! I DID work through some big fears in the last week! You nailed it when you said in the class to wait for timing, for the vision to take root and then to move when I’m ready - and that will be that instant knowing of the spleen. And that’s how it happened… I told you I signed up for this class as a sign that I am committed to moving forward and working through any fears that may be part of what’s been holding me back. Since then, I’ve been way more focused and attentive to my vision and letting it come into more clear focus. It’s been consistently flowing. As I’ve been working through these fear gates (fear of failure, fear of imperfection, fear of trusting my intuition — so good!), I’ve been able to see the opportunities and possibilities aligned with my vision. In making a big decision, all the fears came up before I committed, and seeing how that 54-32 channel works for me - amazing how it describes me and my experience so precisely! — and then using the higher expressions (omg so good!) — I really did have to choose to see my vision and my commitment and drive and how they are all there for a reason… that I have the resources for all of this, and my vision has had PLENTY of time to take root and this is the right timing for me. So it all came together so beautifully.
— Hilary M.
“I really resonate with your teaching style and I am drawn to your straight forward groundedness. I appreciated receiving coaching guidance in each class. I am so glad to finally have an understanding of how the Mandala works! And how to apply some practical things to seeing the other side of the fear as improvement!”
— Edie H.
“I am so glad my spleen poked me into joining this class! During class I had many AHAs. When Alana was speaking, I realized that I tap into frequencies super easily, like all the time. Historically, these have been, for the most part, the frequencies being broadcast through mass consciousness and I have often been hammered by them. In class I realized I can redirect my attention and choose to tap into frequencies that help me RISE above the collective, so that I don’t get pummeled in the same way as before. This is huge for me! That awareness is big and I am so glad to have had this AHA. It will be life changing. Now that I have that as a resource I will be able to get on with the business of creating the blog posts and the books I want to write. Before getting a taste for this frequency I wanted to write but hung back because of the physiological fear responses that would kick in at the very thought of it. Now I can drop all those unwarranted fears and get on with the business of putting words on a page and just seeing how things turn out. I know what it feels like in my body/energy field to express my authentic self. Thanks again for your wonderful guidance and direction!”
— Ciara C.
“I really love how you describe things in your class... and how you take into consideration the electromagetic energy!”
— Sam H.
“If you don’t know about Human Design, you need to look it up, find out your type then attend Alana’s classes. I did, and Alana Heim changed my life, I am a Projector which explains a lot of what I considered, and what others considered, wrong about me. Learning to accept aspects of myself I thought were wrong because I wasn’t getting the same results like everyone else, and that I need a lot of downtime, was so damn liberating.”
— Sharmila M.
“Thank you so much Alana for your amazing talk about fear from a new (to me) perspective. I appreciated your clarity and “well rehearsed” approach (Ha... the musician in me speaking). I too have an open spleen and open G center, and most of my circuitry is emotionally based and, yes, creative. You affirmed in a wonderful way the positive aspects of those channels. I have much to think on. With gratitude.”
— Pamela P.

You are invited to join the Courage to Thrive - Earth Activation program
if it feels correct for you.

The value received from this program will exceed the investment of your time, energy, and money.

Please know it is my honor, as a Projector, to support and guide YOU when you decide to say yes to claiming your courage.

Are you ready to learn more?


Stay tuned for information about the Courage to Thrive - Sun Activation program running LIVE September 29 - November 17, 2021.
