Human Design

The Four Agreements and Human Design

In the video below (15:59), I discuss The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz and how it pairs so beautifully with Human Design. Over the past six weeks, the Earth has encouraged all of humanity to explore the courageous aspects of the Splenic gates: 18, 48, 57, 32, 50, 28, and 44. The Earth wants for you to go inward, to rest, to get what you need to heal yourself, and to be your highest, brightest, and best self. The more you heal YOU, the more you heal each of us, and all of humanity.

Gate 18 - Courage of Improving/Realigning

Gate 18 - Courage of Improving/Realigning

The world is shifting in a big, powerful way.

We knew this time was coming. We just didn’t know when, or how it would shift.

Now we do! And we haven’t seen all of what is to come.

We are still in the eye of the storm, really.

From 6:30 pm Pacific time on March 23, 2020 through 10:50 am on March 29, 2020, the earth activates the energy of the Gate 18, the courage of improving/realigning, or the fear of imperfection.

The new Courage to Thrive - Earth Activation 2020 program teaches all about this Gate. In the recorded program, you receive access to ten recorded videos specific to each of the transiting earth activations over the next 8 weeks. There are seven courage/fear gates (18, 48, 57, 32, 50, 28, 44) and three knowing gates (1, 43, 14).

You are invited to watch the first recorded video of the Gate 18 (36:26) below.

Courage in the Human Design Chart

Courage in the Human Design Chart

You are courageous.

Do you know how courageous you are?

In this video, you learn more about the Splenic "courage" center along with each of the seven courage gates found in your Human Design chart. These seven energies are activated by the earth every spring. You also learn how your unique Type can be courageous in following Strategy, Authority, and being who you are designed to be.

Building Up Your Courage

Building Up Your Courage

When it comes to being resilient, do you know how courageous you are?

With 2020 being a universal “4” year, you are being invited to explore your courage. This is a year where our focus is on building a solid foundation, manifesting more of what we want, and taking action that supports both. If we want to build a new structure, we must remove the old structure first. Even with our finances, we may experience a shakedown that forces us to let go of the old, before bringing in the new abundant financial foundation we truly desire.

All of this takes courage. Courage to ask for what you want. Courage to create a more sustainable world. Courage to manifest anything, anywhere, even when it seems impossible.

Because, yes, you do have the courage, and yes, you can manifest anything you want.

You are invited to watch the replay of the Quantum Alignment Show below (60:11).

Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year 2020!

Today is a great day to reflect on 2019 and notice: what worked or not, whether you created what you desired or not, and if you found purpose and fulfillment or not.

Remember that the Human Design New Year begins on January 22, 2020 (at 6:04 am PST). This means that between now and then, you have plenty of time to honor the energies at play: the Gate 38 (Opposition), Gate 54 (Ambition), Gate 61 (Inner Truth), and Gate 60 (Limitation).

The Imminence of Change

The Imminence of Change

Change is exciting! Would you agree?

Maybe you crave change in the form of new thrills and experiences as I do. Perhaps you'd rather life be set on autopilot to coast along in an easy, flowing way. Because yes, change can often feel enduring, complicated, and hard.

Well, here's something you can plan for: the imminence of change. Change is the only constant in the universe. 

Just as a baby evolves, from the moment the sperm and egg met to its creation birthed from the womb, you are constantly evolving. You were born to change.

YOU are that evolutionary, magnificent being designed to change and create change in the world. 

You are changing. You are growing. You are learning. You are evolving. Always. Every moment of your life.

Fear has no power when you realize the truth of this evolutionary process. You are designed to change.

Gate 18 - Let go of the fear of imperfection and step into the power of improving

Gate 18 - Let go of the fear of imperfection and step into the power of improving

In Human Design, there are fear gates coming off the Spleen Center. For the next couple of days, Mercury and Venus are activating the gate 18. In the lower, expression the gate 18 is the fear of imperfection. In the higher expression, this gate is all about improving or correcting. There is room for improvement in our systems, and this energy sees that and wants to make an impactful difference.

Watch this short video (16:33) to learn more.

Fear gives you the opportunity to learn and step more fully into trusting. It's time to learn to trust - yourself, each other, humanity, the universe! The more you trust, the more you let go of fear and the old powers it held over you.

You are invited to join the What's Fear Got to Do With It? Sun Activation program beginning October 1.

The Controlling Truth About Fear

The Controlling Truth About Fear

Fear was once an important piece of the human puzzle. It gave humans the instinct to run, hide, and survive.

But is fear really that important anymore?

You’re encouraged to explore this answer more deeply.

For some of you, fear is all you know. It was around you as a child. Your mom was afraid something would happen to you. Your dad was afraid he couldn’t support the family. Your teachers were afraid of going against the curriculum. Your friends were afraid you wouldn’t like them. Everything breathed in fear, and breathed out even more fear. 

The doctor office you visited had lingering fear balls of tension - from parents worried about their children and how to pay the doctor, to doctors fearing they weren’t charging enough or spending enough quality time with their patients.

Billboards, newspapers, television commercials, and all other advertising mediums boasted fear-based tactics. They used fear to advertise why you had to have something NOW or else face the nasty consequence of what would happen if you did NOT purchase that product. Government agencies focused on the fear around controlling outbreaks, paying your taxes, and protecting the borders.

Unfortunately, these same tactics are heavily present in the modern world. All of those tactics of yesterday…are still used today.

Everywhere you look, there is fear. Lurking. Waiting to attack you. Or attack through you.

So is fear really important?

The Art of Creating YOU

The Art of Creating YOU

There is an art to you. There is an art to how you were created. There is an art to how you are still creating you…right now.

Yes, the universe played a creative role in aligning the energies to design the physical experience your soul essence is having…right now.

If it feels as if you have no choice in the matter, I want you to know that you did…and you still DO have a choice…right now.

You always get to choose the role you play in this life and how you engage with the energies.

Just because your unique Human Design may say you’re supposed to be a certain way, doesn’t mean you have to be. Because you have free will, you have a choice.

You choose the frequency of the energy you radiate out. There are higher expressions and there are lower expressions. Every day of your life, you get to choose which ones you will wear, share, and BE.

You get to choose whether you live in fear, or live with trust that you are supported. You determine if negative vibrations are a part of your source field, or if positive energies are.

You get to choose to learn from the contrast in your life to guide you to where you want to go and who you want to be.

The Unique Expression of You and What Would Jesus Do?

The Unique Expression of You and What Would Jesus Do?

Here's the serendipitous thing about the universe, it shows up for you when you ask. When you begin to get curious, signs follow you around to point you in the right direction.

Take for instance this magical picture that I took. No it was not photoshopped.

The week before I took this picture, I had begun my infatuation with Dolores Cannon and her hypnotherapy work. I began reading her book, Jesus and the Essenes. It gave me such insight into what I knew inside of me to be true about Jesus, which of course never coincided with what I was taught.

During our time at Disney World back in February, I didn't carry my phone too often. The first day I didn't use it at all. The second day I brought it, clearly to have it for this moment. I carried it with me as my family and friends experienced the safari expedition at the Animal Kingdom. 

I loved the views and the sights of nature, so I took many pictures.

At the time, I didn't see the name. I actually saw it after the fact, given when I looked in the sky there it was. An airplane was writing a message in the sky. I can't remember the exact message. I don't think I completely agreed with it.

But I was blown away when I looked back in my camera and saw that this was the picture I took. Only Jesus was seen in the sky over the majestic land. 

I knew it was a sign.