
Share your individuality

Share your individuality

This month was a lovely month of exploring - myself and the world around me. I hope you were able to do the same!

I was blessed to take a 12-day road trip in the Prius with just my hubby, Mike. No kids. No animals. Just the two of us traveling through and around seven states.

We saw many friends, old and new. We went to a wedding in New Mexico. We camped in Colorado. I spoke at the International Human Design Conference in Colorado.

I loved my time with my husband. When he and I met nine years ago, I didn't know Human Design. Yet I knew the energies while being together on our trip. They felt familiar.

I ran the charts and realized at the start of our trip, the North and South Nodes were in the 16/9, respectively. I found it pretty exciting to see that nine years earlier, the Nodes were in the reversed position, 9/16.

I knew during our trip the Nodes would shift to activate the Manifesting Generator Channel 20/34 (9/4/21-1/17/22). When I realized the power of those energies are ones my Courage to Thrive program specifically does not dive into (we stop at the Gate 14, Prosperity), the epiphany came that I knew where the Nodes were headed for the next few years. Yup through ALL of the Courage to Thrive gates!