
Manifesting Your Intentions + the Human Design New Year + 2023 Transiting Energies

Manifesting Your Intentions + the Human Design New Year + 2023 Transiting Energies

Happy 2023!

It's a new year and a new month for you to set your new intentions for what you want! This is a universal "7" year (2+0+2+3=7). This is the time to be clear on the intentions you are setting and to TRUST you can create and do anything! The 7 wants you to go inward to trust your inner knowing, rather than the external noise and any old repeating patterns. Listen to yourself. Trust yourself. This is SO important for you this year!

When it comes to starting the new year, we really want to begin ON the action-packed Human Design New Year! That's this Sunday, January 22 when the Sun moves into the Gate 41. This is when the Sun allows you and your imagination to express your dreams. And we've got a bonus! Venus and Saturn are in the Gate 30, creating the whole channel of Fantasy + Desire. The planets are supporting our values and disciplining us to take action only when we deliberately create from our burning desire and emotional well of passion!

If you've been sluggish or haven't "achieved" a lot in these first two weeks of January - that's a good thing! You're right where you're meant to be!

Intuitively Create Prosperity

Intuitively Create Prosperity

You're invited to Intuitively Create Prosperity and what you're manifesting to come in. 

Last month, we let go to create space. If you missed that session, you're invited to grab it HERE.

When it comes to manifesting, it is space that allows you to receive what you desire. And now is the time to be clear on what you’re ready to receive! Your role isn't to know how prosperity will show up. You are simply meant to trust and be open to what shows up when it shows up!

Experiencing Your Emotions

Experiencing Your Emotions

Did you know it is okay to feel, connect to, and release your emotions?

Here's the thing, you are human! You are designed to have, feel, and experience the ups and downs of emotions, whether they are consistently yours or not. They help you truly LIVE life, guiding you toward what you want, or not.

Holding in our emotions represses our truth and manifests dis-ease. Let's release and allow clarity to come to you and move through you now!

Trust Your Intuition

Trust Your Intuition

Have you been listening to the depths of your soul? O are external noises and distractions getting in the way?

Below is an amazing opportunity for you to connect more deeply to your intuition and knowing. It is more important than ever to:

  • Know who you are

  • Trust yourself

  • Allow yourself to BE Sourced, ReSourced, and ReSourceful through your higher connection to Source (God, Universe, Almighty)!

Let's Manifest! It's Time! 🌟

Let's Manifest! It's Time! 🌟

What can you create in your personal, professional, and financial life when: 

  • You trust you really can manifest more of what you want?

  • Prosperity blocks no longer get in your way?

  • You allow yourself to BE in the flow of prosperity and receive?

I've said it before and I AM saying it again right now.

YOU are the essence of prosperity.